Waitrose & Partners FreeFrom

Free From products is one of the fastest growing food categories, considerably outperforming retail experts’ expectations. Waitrose & Partners appointed WMH to create a new Free From brand that would be an exciting, enticing choice for its discerning shoppers.

We positioned the brand as a positive, progressive eating choice, regardless of whether one has allergies or not. Rather than emphasise what has been removed, the brand idea stresses; “Free From: Full of Taste”. Appealing to both allergen sufferers and people who eat FreeFrom for lifestyle reasons.

The key visual mark is a pair of bespoke ‘f ’s’ that doubles as typographic braces, framing the food. Sophisticated and simple typography and photography communicates what makes these products so special.

Williams Murray Hamm, 2018

FAB: Gold
Design Week: Commended
Pentawards: Bronze
The Drum: Gold
New York Festivals: Finalist
Fresh: Bronze
Transform: Silver


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